Start your own fundraiser:
Join forces with Sewing New Futures to end human trafficking by selling hand sewn sari headbands and scrunchies at your school, work, church and at home with friend.
By selling headbands and scrunchies you are standing in solidarity with a group of girls who said, enough is enough and broke free from forced prostitution and child marriage.
Venues: To create your own fundraiser you can select the location and time frame. We are here to support you with products, marketing material and tech support. Consider hosting your fundraiser at your University, High Schools, Middle Schools, Social Clubs and Churches.
How it works:
Complete the google form below and we will get in touch to plan your personalized campaign. To run a project we collect a small deposit to cover shipping of products and a percent of the cost of each product sent. We then send you a pack of headbands and scrunchies to sell to your friends. Once sold or sent back, the deposit is returned and all profits go directly to your sisters in India.
Can I request my school colors?
Yes, we can try and supply specific colors to match your school’s spirit. Additional lead time will be required.
What if I sell out too quickly?
That’s our favorite problem. All you need to do is end your project and your deposit will be returned. If you want to keep going apply for a second round, keep me coming!
What if I get a defected head bands or scrunchies?
This can happen as each item is hand made from recycled silk sari. Send back any defects or broken products with your return at the end of the project.