"I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles
are very different from my own."
~ Audrey Lorde
As mother's day approaches we want to highlight a group of young professional Mothers in Southern California who took time out of their hectic schedules to raise awareness about human trafficking and the charitable work of Sewing New Futures in India.
Stacey Pratt, a Cardiac Physician's Assistant and busy mother of two, sponsored Sewing new Futures at her local mom's working group as an opportunity to raise awareness on the ills of child marriage and forced sex work. Each month she and a group of professional mothers meet to break bread and discuss topics they are passionate about as both mothers and professionals. "I chose to talk about Sewing New Futures as it was a unique opportunity to reach a group of women.... and create awareness of marginalized women/girls. Starting a conversation about women around the world that may also be in a similar situation was key," says Stacey. She has served as a board member with SNF since 2015 and contributes in donor relations and fundraising. At her event, she gifted attendees with scrunchies and the coin purses (silk pouches) as she wanted a way to tangibly show off the skills that the girls and women have mastered.
If you would like to host an event highlighting the work of Sewing New Futures, please contact us at hello@sewingnewfutures.com and we can provide written materials, talking points, and items to use in fundraising/sells.

Stacey and her newborn.
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